Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Night with the Canon G9

I've mentioned this before, but I picked up a Canon Powershot G9 a while back so I would be able to have a camera with me at all times. So far, that has worked out really well, as the camera is with me everywhere I go. I find I am taking pictures all the time, not really worried how they turn out. Turns out that isn't working out too well for me - I'm just getting adjusted to not having a wide-angle view of the world!
What I have been doing, however, is taking time-lapse videos every day. I've managed to make at least two a day every day since a couple of weeks ago, documenting my drive to and from work.
Those videos can be found here on Youtube and here on Vimeo.

My most popular sets on Flickr are the shots I take at The Smoke. It's a local monthly 60s dance party that is really popular and usually means that I'll have thousands of visits on the day that I put up the photos.
Here's a link to the party they held at New Year's Eve this year.
I get asked about the lighting in these shots a lot, so I'll be writing about it in a Blog post shortly.

Last night, I decided to switch it up a little, and instead of pulling out the big guns (DSLRs and studio flashes), I decided to try using just the G9. It was a cool experiment, and it makes me even more impressed with what this little camera can do.
Below is a video I put together of everything I shot on the G9, photos and videos. I added music by The Damn Well Please Organ Trio.

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