Wednesday, December 23, 2009

DeeJay CeePee

DeeJay CeePee
Originally uploaded by d double u

Whenever I can, I like to hang out with Chris Penn when he DJs. The owner and manager of Good Records, he has access to some cool music and usually plays stuff I request, which is cool.
DeeJay CeePee (as he goes by) 'spins' every Wednesday night. Tonight, I didn't really feel up to going out, but thought I should at least stop by and try to get a quick portrait of him doing his thing while I was there. I had an idea for a quick and easy setup, and it really was quick and easy - the results weren't half bad either, considering the time I spent on the setup.

Setup was a 580EXII at 1/128 power through a StoFen omnibounce between the keyboard and monitor and a 430EXII behind Chris at 1/64 power, pointed towards his head. Triggered by Radiopoppers (one can be seen just below the monitor)

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