Wednesday, December 23, 2009

DeeJay CeePee

DeeJay CeePee
Originally uploaded by d double u

Whenever I can, I like to hang out with Chris Penn when he DJs. The owner and manager of Good Records, he has access to some cool music and usually plays stuff I request, which is cool.
DeeJay CeePee (as he goes by) 'spins' every Wednesday night. Tonight, I didn't really feel up to going out, but thought I should at least stop by and try to get a quick portrait of him doing his thing while I was there. I had an idea for a quick and easy setup, and it really was quick and easy - the results weren't half bad either, considering the time I spent on the setup.

Setup was a 580EXII at 1/128 power through a StoFen omnibounce between the keyboard and monitor and a 430EXII behind Chris at 1/64 power, pointed towards his head. Triggered by Radiopoppers (one can be seen just below the monitor)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Gear Porn

Pelican case
Originally uploaded by d double u

After carrying a video camera around for over 4 months, I came to love the Pelican case it came in. It made it so easy to carry the camera and all the accessories needed in a safe and easy to transport way.
I even took out the video camera and packed all my still camera gear into it for a photo shoot. After that experience, I decided to get my own Pelican case.
The case arrived while I was on the road, but today I picked and plucked the foam inserts and packed up my most-used gear. I have a feeling I'll be ditching the foam and getting the compartment inserts instead at some point in the future, but for now, it's nice to know (almost) all of my gear is safe and in one place.